Version 0.01
This is my first Dev-Log. I have spent the last two weeks creating the base to my first main title: ‘Rabbit Tale’. A top down, 2D RPG. Here is a collection of screenshots from the game.
Here is a link to the original art
Version 0.02
I have been working on the player’s movement. Horizontal and vertical movement work, normalizing the diagonal movement has kept speed consistent. The player has now also been given animations for idle and walking. 1/9/23
Version 0.02
I have created the first enemy, a green ‘slime’. He has been given an idle and walk animation as well as the ability to follow the player when approached
Version 0.03
The player now has the ability take take damage and die once their health reaches zero. They also have an animation once dead.
Version 0.03
Function combat! The player can now attack back and kill an enemy. I have worked on hitboxes and spacing to give combat a smoother feel. It is really important to get this right as it is a core element of the game. I have also made the player sprite flicker when hit.
Version 0.04
I have added a simple pause and main men. It has limited functionality, but it allows me to restart the game when testing
Version 0.04
I have a new enemy type that patrols given points. The first enemy of the class is a flying snake. The rest of it’s behavior’s inherits from the slime.